General questions

How much does a typical agency get reimbursed?
As we all know, each local government agency is different, with varying programs, requirements, and costs involved. As a broad example, below are some of our newest clients reimbursements:

Bay Area City (Population: 42,726)
Total Amount Filed: $67,001

Los Angeles County City (Population: 59,383)
Total Amount Filed: $60,615

Northern California City (Population: 15,531)
Total Amount Filed: $40,178

Inland Empire City (Population: 46,179)
Total Amount Filed: $41,598

No. California County (Total Population: 27,401; Unincorporated: 20,573)
Total Amount Filed: $67,070

No. California County (Total Population: 89,009; Unincorporated: 59,776)
Total Amount Filed: $77,723

Remember, this is money you’ve already spent, coming directly to you from the State of California’s General Fund to you. For a reimbursement estimate tailored specifically to your agency, please contact us for a no-obligation review.

We’re already so busy! How much work will our staff need to do?
Very little. Most of the information needed for reimbursement has already been prepared by your agency for the State of California or as part of the Agency’s Annual Budget process. In fact, a number of the documents are commonly stored on an agency’s website and can be downloaded by our staff.

How much does it cost if Nichols Consulting handles the process for us?
Our fees can be as high as 20%, but most of our clients experience fees in the range of 5 to 15% of the total reimbursed amount for us to manage the entire process, start to finish. Hiring our firm will cost your agency less than the cost of the staff time to figure it out and submit the documents on your own.

Also, for first time clients we’re happy to work on a contingency basis, only getting paid once the reimbursement checks have been received by you.

How does the money need to be allocated, once we receive it? Unlike grants, which often need to be spent on particular programs or costs, state mandate reimbursements can go directly into your general fund, to be spent in whatever way your agency sees fit.

Can we take the credit for your work?
We hope you do! Our job is to make you look good. Feel free to publicize the important work you’re doing with your local taxpayer dollars recovered from the State of California.

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Annual Deadlines and First-time Claiming Opportunities

Annual Deadline
The State of California’s Annual Deadline falls 7 ½ months after the completion of the preceding fiscal year (February 15). Annual Claims may be filed up to one-year after the deadline and be subjected to a 10% Late Penalty, not to exceed $10,000.

First-time Claiming Opportunities
Periodically, the State of California may release Claiming Instructions during the year for First-Time Claiming Opportunities. These opportunities are a result of a newly-approved program that is now reimbursable from the State. First-Time Claiming Opportunities may be filed up to one-year after the deadline and be subjected to a 10% Late Penalty, not to exceed $10,000.

Upcoming Deadlines (Timely and Late)

  • Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Annual Claims Deadline - February 16, 2021

  • “Peace Officer Training: Mental Health/Crisis Intervention” (Late - April 28, 2021)

  • “Racial and Identity Profiling” - The State Controller’s Office is expected to release claiming instructions on Monday, December 28, 2020. The initial claiming deadline is anticipated to be on Tuesday, April 27 2021.

  • “Vote by Mail Ballots: Prepaid Postage” - The State Controller’s Office is expected to release claiming instructions on Monday, March 8, 2021. The initial claiming deadline is anticipated to be on Tuesday, July 6, 2021.

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Resource Links

Commission on State Mandates

State Controller's Office State Mandated Cost Page

California State Association of Counties

The League of California Cities

California Special Districts Association

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